7th Battalion, The Royal Sussex Regiment
Military Honours and Awards

Royal Sussex Regiment Crest
7th Battalion

Joseph Edward Eames
M.B.E. (Military Division)

No. 5485467 R.S.M. Joseph Edward Eames, 7th Bn.

Served with the Battalion from its inception at the start of the outbreak of war. This W.O. was instrumental in helping lay the foundations of sound discipline and in training and building up a healthy structure of N.C.O.s, in spite of the almost complete lack of any real experience amongst those from whom he had to draw. This assistance in training young officers was also of great importance.

He set a fine example to all his departments and patience at all times went into guiding the number of young recruits. This example carried on in full when, on the weekend 18/20 May 1940 the Battalion entirely alone in a French sector, just west of Amiens, was attacked by General Rommel’s Panzer Division, a very great deal is owing to this fine old soldier (who had been a regular and was 52 years old at the time) for the manner in which all ranks carried out their orders and held their ground until he and other survivors had no alternative to being taken prisoner.

After being taken prisoner, he escaped with some others on the first evening 20 May, but were overtaken by armoured car 24 hours later. I recommend this W.O. be awarded the M.B.E.
(was PoW at Stalag XX.A.)