7th Battalion, The Royal Sussex Regiment

Royal Sussex Regiment Crest
7th Battalion
Memorial Stone

This site has been published in order to share what we know of just one of the many British battalions of the 2nd World War.

During the Second World War, the Battalion existed for only a short while. It was formed following the outbreak of war in September 1939, it was effectively destroyed in May 1940 and it was formally disbanded in December 1941. From their training in Brighton, England, to the battle fought outside the city of Amiens, in the Somme Region of France, this record bears cruel witness. Our hope is that the preservation of these memories will help all generations of every country in the world, to understand the real tragedy and horror of war.

This site is dedicated to the men of the 7th Battalion, The Royal Sussex Regiment, their wives, families and loved-ones. It is also dedicated to the citizens of Amiens, France, who endured the same period of pain and suffering and who have since shown so much warmth and friendship to the survivors and their families on their occasional pilgrimages of remembrance.

Disclaimer: In preparing this website we have taken reasonable steps to ensure that we have not infringed any copyright. If you believe we have infringed any copyright please inform us.

All through that afternoon, the Germans pounded the British positions, advancing only very slowly, in the apparent belief that they were dealing with a highly-trained and fully-equipped force.